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List of the highlighted articles

Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

SSE and partners award survey contracts for Ossian floating wind farm

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

Flotation Energy, Vårgrønn take first step for Cenos project

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

Scotland and Singapore sign hydrogen MoU

  • Collaboration
Posted: about 1 year ago

Ocean Infinity to survey Buchan wind site

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

Nova Innovation makes waves with two new tidal turbines

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Industry Contribution

Propulsion fit for the future

  • Vessels
Posted: about 1 year ago
Industry Contribution

Ocean current energy is the third source

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago

Atura Power awards Howden with hydrogen compressor contract

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

Two Scottish ports get Green Freeport status

  • Business & Finance
Posted: about 1 year ago
Industry Contribution

Finding the cracks before they appear

  • Research & Development
Posted: about 1 year ago
long read

Scotland on mission to become ‘renewables powerhouse’

  • Authorities & Government
Posted: about 1 year ago

Quoceant wraps up testing of its Q-Connect system

  • Outlook & Strategy
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago
Industry Contribution

Boosting conversion rates

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago

Moray West to start 2023 with export cable route UXO work

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

Scotland-Rotterdam hydrogen highway in the making

  • Business Developments & Projects
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago
Posted: about 1 year ago

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