Ramsgate Baths Beach Nourishment Underway

Bayside Council (NSW) is undertaking a beach nourishment project to replace 28,000m³ of sand within Ramsgate Baths with sand sourced from Sandringham Bay, Dolls Point.

According to the Council, machinery installed at Sandringham Bay is pumping sand along the Cook Park foreshore via a temporary pipeline where it will be used to repair the beach profile at Ramsgate Baths.
The project is being undertaken by the Gold Coast Company Neumann Contractors and involves the mixing of sand and seawater into a mixer hopper from where it is pumped via a 300mm diameter pipe into the Baths where it will be spread with a combination of mechanical plant and tide and wave action to re-establish the beach profile that existed in 1997.
At the current rate of sand placement the project should be completed and reopened to the public in time for the start of the summer swimming season in December 2019.