Quadrant’s Roc-2 hits hydrocarbons

Project & Tenders

Quadrant Energy’s Roc-2 well being drilled offshore W. Australia has confirmed a hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir, in good quality rock, within the Caley section, its primary target. 

The Roc-2 well is located within the WA-437-P exploration permit in the North West Shelf of Australia where Quadrant is the operator with 80% interest, while Carnarvon Petroleum holds the remaining 20% interest.

Quadrant recently experienced a delay while drilling the Roc-2 appraisal well due to a mechanical issue with the rig’s drilling system.

The well is being drilled to appraise the nearby Roc-1 discovery. According to Carnarvon’s update on Friday, the results were confirmed during Logging While Drilling (LWD) which provides preliminary information during drilling operations.

The next stage of data acquisition will become available after wireline logging, which is planned to include pressure and fluid sampling tools, Carnarvon said.

Following the completion of the coring process, Carnarvon stated that the well has continued drilling the 8 ½” (216 mm) hole, including passing through the cored Caley sections with LWD tools for the first time.

The well is currently drilling ahead in the 8 ½” (216 mm) hole section at a depth of approximately 4,610 meters, the company added.

The rig will continue to drill the 8 ½” (216 mm) hole to planned total depth of around 5,250 meters. Following the completion of drilling, anticipated to take around 2 weeks, an extensive logging and testing campaign will start.

Carnarvon’s Managing Director and CEO, Adrian Cook said: “I am extremely pleased with the results of this well so far. We have successfully acquired core over the reservoir section and I’m happy to be in a position to confirm today that we’ve encountered hydrocarbons in good quality reservoir sands.

“The next stage of the program is to obtain and assess the logging and testing results which will take place after the current well deepening activity. Clearly, there is some ways yet to go on this well but progress to date is very encouraging.”