QED Naval Gets Subhub Towing Approval from MCA

Operations & Maintenance

QED Naval has received an approval and certification to conduct towing operations of the Subhub in UK waters from the Marine Coastguard Agency (MCA).

Subhub moored at the D1 quayside showing her waterline and draft marks; Image: QED Naval

The final certification was provided by Captain Danny Hawkins from the MCA Bangor, Northern Ireland.

This was the culmination of many months work by the QED Naval team and the Marine Warranty Surveyors (MWS) used, Prolines based in Waterford, Ireland, the company said.

The certification from both MCA and MWS for the load line exemption and sailing condition survey was sent immediately to Belfast Harbour Commission and the insurance company and this was the final part of the authorization for towing out of Belfast Harbour.

The Subhub tidal power platform was lifted into the water earlier this month.

The Subhub platform is said to be a fully integrated platform which encapsulates everything required to operate seabed mounted tidal turbines invisibly, offering the industry reliable deployment over a wide range of weather conditions, QED Naval claims.

The Subhub will be installed in Strangford Lough.