PXGEO 2 to sport DUG data acquisition QC software


PXGEO is deploying DownUnder GeoSolutions’ (DUG) data acquisition quality control and onboard processing and visualization software onboard the PXGEO 2.


PXGEO stated it had signed an agreement with DUG for the provision of its DUG Insight software for its new Rolls-Royce designed 14-streamer seismic vessel.

“We look forward to this new partnership that will enable us to leverage DUG’s industry-leading software and HPC service offerings to deliver our innovative acquisition and subsurface imaging solutions in both the OBN and towed streamer seismic segments,” said Duncan Eley, PXGEO chief executive officer.

To remind, PXGEO 2 was delivered to PXGEO Seismic Services in mid-April, after which it started mobilizing for a 4D marine seismic project for an international oil and gas company.

The vessel is equipped with Sercel Sentinel solid streamers and Sercel G-Source II energy arrays.

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