Purbeck District Council Objects to Navitus Bay Construction

Authorities & Government

Planning board of Purbeck District Council, Dorset county, stated that the authority will not support the development of the Navitus Bay wind farm. 

The planning board has issued a Local Impact Report on behalf of Purbeck District Council in response to the application by Navitus Bay Development Limited to the UK Planning Inspectorate for a development consent order to construct and operate a wind park off the coasts of Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

According to the board, the offshore wind farm will have a significant negative impact on the landscape and local tourism, due to its proximity to the coast.

The report’s conclusion states:

Purbeck District Council has assessed the potential benefits and disbenefits of the proposed wind farm proposal on the Council’s area in the light of relevant National and Local planning policies. The sustainability benefits of the development are acknowledged and supported by the Council.

However, it is considered that they are outweighed by the potential adverse impacts of such a large scale proposal in such close proximity to the District. The adverse social and environment impacts of the development have not been minimised to an acceptable level, and the development would result in significant adverse harm to the Purbeck AONB landscape and the significance and setting of the heritage assets of the Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site and Durlston Castle and Park.

Also the Council has serious concerns about the potential adverse impact on the District’s tourist economy, together with no guarantee of economic benefits for the District from the development. It is considered that the development would be contrary to the aims of the Purbeck Local Plan. In particular it would not comply with policies REN: Renewable Energy, D: Design, CO: Countryside, LHH: Landscape, Historic Environment and Heritage, E: Employment and TA: Tourist Accommodation and Attractions. On this basis, the Council objects to the development. 

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Offshore WIND Staff, September 29, 2014; Image: navitusbaywindpark