PSA Norway Inspects Load Bearing Structures on Eldfisk Jacket

Business & Finance

PSA Norway Inspects Load Bearing Structures on Eldfisk Jacket

On 10 and 11 May 2012, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) carried out an audit of the engineering of load-bearing structures on Eldfisk 2/7-S’ steel jacket, located in the Norwegian part of the North Sea.

The objective of the audit activity was to verify that the engineering of load-bearing structures was in compliance with applicable regulations.

No nonconformities were identified.

Improvement items were identified in relation to:

  • Person technically responsible for structure analyses
  • Verification of engineering
  • Vibration of structural elements
  • Accuracy of wind loads
  • Risk analyses
  • Attenuation of jacket structures
  • Tension concentration analyses
  • Fabrication, installation and operation documentation

Press Release, July 4, 2012