Norway: PSA Looks Into Maintenance Management on Statfjord C

Business & Finance

PSA Looks Into Maintenance Management on Statfjord C

From 7 to 10 November 2011, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) Norway carried out an audit of maintenance management on Statfjord C (SFC).

The objective of the audit activity was to verify Statoil’s system for preventive and corrective maintenance on the SFC facility, including the associated onshore organisation.

PSA detected nonconformities related to decision criteria and access to resources.

Also, PSA said that improvement items were observed in connection with:  continuous improvement, sharing information marking of equipment and description of equipment.

Statfjord field is one of the oldest producing fields on the Norwegian continental shelf, and it is among the largest oil discoveries in the North Sea. Statfjord field was discovered by Mobil in 1974, and Statoil took over the operatorship on 1 January 1987.  The field has been developed with the Statfjord A, B and C production platforms, which all have concrete gravity base structures incorporating storage cells.

Production platform Statfjord C began production on 26 June 1985.

Offshore Energy Today Staff, January 26, 2012; Image: Statoil