PSA Inspects Statoil’s Riser Replacements

Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) Norway has carried out an audit of Statoil’s management of riser replacements.

The audit took place initially at Statoil’s offices in Fornebu and later at the premises of the supplier, NOV, in Kalundborg and Brøndby, Denmark.

The audit was based on previous follow-up of Statoil concerning flexible risers, a number of incidents and the potential risk from weakened integrity of risers, PSA explained.

The object of the audit was to verify that new flexible risers were designed and manufactured in compliance with the company’s requirements and statutory regulations.

No regulatory non-conformities were identified during the audit.

Improvement points were identified in connection with: learning and experience transfer; coordination and management of risk in the project; qualification of materials and document management.

Statoil has been given a deadline of June 09, 2017 to report on how the improvement points will be assessed.