PSA Checks Flexible Pipelines at Statoil

Operations & Maintenance

Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) Norway has carried out an inspection of flexible pipelines at Statoil.

The objective of the audit was to verify that Statoil is following up on challenges involving flexible pipelines using an integrated approach, and that the pipelines are operated in compliance with the company’s own and the authorities’ requirements.

There was also an objective of monitoring the company’s processes for ensuring experience transfer, learning and continuous improvement in respect of flexible pipelines.

No non-conformities or improvement points were identified, PSA noted.

“The background to the audit was the major accident potential associated with the operation of flexible pipelines. In recent years, a series of incidents involving flexible pipelines have been reported, which were also presented in our report on trends in risk level in the petroleum activity (RNNP),” PSA said.