PSA Audits Statoil’s Managed Pressure Drilling on Troll Field

Business & Finance

From 10 to 13 June 2014, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway carried out an audit of Statoil’s use of managed pressure drilling using COSL Innovator on the Troll field.

PSA Audits Statoil's Managed Pressure Drilling on Troll Field


The objective of the activity was to audit that Statoil, the service providers, drilling contractor and other stakeholders, were planning, performing, and garnering experience from, the MPD operations in accordance with their own requirements, regulatory provisions and defined standards.


One non-conformity was identified in connection with a safety-critical barrier element.

In addition, improvement points were identified in connection with:
• Awareness of the results of risk analysis
• Noise measurements

Press Release, July 18, 2014