PSA audits barrier management on Johan Sverdrup

Business & Finance

On 20 and 21 May 2014, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) carried out an audit of Statoil’s barrier management in the early phase of the Johan Sverdrup project prior to the plan for development and operation (PDO).

PSA audits barrier management on Johan SverdrupThe objective of a pre-PDO audit is to monitor that the operator’s plans and decisions in the early phase of the project have been adequately clarified. And furthermore to verify that the operator has established and is monitoring processes to ensure that the selected solutions are assessed in relation to regulatory requirements, including the requirements for prudent activities and continuous improvement.

The PDO for Johan Sverdrup is scheduled to be submitted to the authorities on 13 February 2015 and to be debated during the Norwegian Parliament’s spring session in 2015.

Six observations were identified in connection with: Ignition source control; Emergency power supply; Risk management; Transfer of experience; Barrier management; Transformers.


Press Release, July 14, 2014