PSA Audits ConocoPhillips’ Preparedness for Ekofisk 2/4 Well Plugging

Business & Finance

From 11 March 2014 to 16 June 2014, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) carried out an audit of ConocoPhillips.

PSA Audits ConocoPhillips' Preparedness for Ekofisk Well Plugging

The audit focused on the company’s preparations and plans for permanent plugging and abandonment of the wells at Ekofisk 2/4.

The objective of the audit was to follow up the well-specific assessments used as a basis for planning of the plugging operations, identified challenges and the company’s follow-up thereof, the siting of barriers and verification of risk assessments, competence and training.

No non-conformities were identified.

Three improvement points were identified in connection with: New technology and verification of use; Barriers; and Removal of wellheads.


Press Release, July 03, 2014