Portugal Launches its First Private ROV Operation


Portugal’s first and only private ROV operation has launched with a new Saab Seaeye Falcon ROV.

Head of the company, Nelson Santo says he chose the Falcon for its proven performance in the oil and gas industry, along with its wide range of operational capabilities and low entry cost. His subsea services company, Taste of Imagination-Inspection Technology Lda, was formed to support offshore development planned by the Portuguese Government, and provide ROV services in existing Angolan oil fields.

A proposal is underway for the government to extend the Portuguese Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles, with representation made at the United Nations to the Commission on the Limits of the Extension of Continental Shelf.

Nelson Santo, who has wide experience in the offshore industry, is attracted by the Falcon’s reputation for power, reliability, role-changing capability and unequalled manoeuvrability. With over 200 Falcons in use around the globe Saab Seaeye has created a winning formula with an ROV small enough to be manhandled, yet packed with technological innovations. Rapid role-change during operations is a key feature where intelligent electronics offer a ‘plug and go’ simplicity that allows up to 128 devices to be added and changed easily. This makes adding bolt-on accessories easier, including extra cameras, lights, tracking system, manipulator and sonar. Special tooling can also be attached on a removable skid.

ROV pilots like the finger-tip manoeuvrability of the Falcon and its ability to hold steady in strong cross-currents. This comes from its five brushless DC thrusters each having drive electronics with velocity feedback for precise and rapid control in all directions. Pilots also have a new generation flight display that not only shows compass and depth, but vehicle pitch and roll, camera tilt angle, umbilical turns counter, and time and date. It also displays editable user messages and system menus.

For pilots, Taste of Imagination has established its own training division with simulators that include operating activities usually found at sea. Courses cover not only the technical skills required for the operations and maintenance of the ROV, but also knowledge of the work environment and regulations.

Taste of Imagination Inspection Technology is based in Caldes de Rainha, Portugal, and provides offshore and inshore inspection services along with ROV training.

Saab Seaeye is the largest manufacturer of electrically operated ROVs; and their parent company, Saab Underwater Systems, is a world leader in sensor systems, precision engagement systems, and remotely operated and autonomous underwater vehicles.


Source: Seaeye, June 24, 2010;