Ports of Los Angeles and Guangzhou forge ties on green shipping corridor

Ports & Logistics

The Port of Los Angeles and Port of Guangzhou, China, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to bolster cooperation on the development of digital supply chain infrastructure, creation of a Trans-pacific Green Shipping Corridor between the two ports, and other sustainability initiatives to reduce port-related emissions and greenhouse gases.

Illustration; Photo courtesy of the Port of Los Angeles

 “We are grateful to the Port of Guangzhou for their commitment to work with us on these important maritime initiatives,” said Port Executive Director Gene Seroka.

“The agreement signed today further reinforces our long-term relationship and like-minded pursuit of excellence in all aspects of port operations, and signifies an important step toward decarbonizing the supply chain.”

“We have long valued our relationship with the Port of Los Angeles, and welcome this opportunity to build upon our bilateral cooperation,” said Xiuqing Sun, Director General of the Guangzhou Port Authority.

“By continuing to share best practices and information, our ports will be better positioned to improve operational efficiencies and reduce harmful emissions related to those operations.”

The three-year MOU calls for best practice consultations and exchanging of ideas on supply chain efficiency and digital technology, and the sharing of lessons learned from the Port Optimizer™, a digital community system developed by the Port of Los Angeles and in use since 2017.

The two ports also agreed to begin work to establish a Green Shipping Corridor, an initiative focused on reducing emissions along their respective trade routes and promoting low- and zero-carbon ships and fuels.

The Port of Los Angeles has already established Green Shipping Corridor partnerships with the Port of Singapore, Port of Shanghai, and the Japanese ports of Nagoya, Yokohama and Tokyo.

Other environmental initiatives in the agreement include cooperation on testing and deployment of zero-emission vehicles, cargo handling equipment, and vessels, as well as exploration of energy use and alternative energy sources.