Ports & Logistics

The Port of Blyth will host a major renewable energy festival in mid August aimed at bringing the renewables agenda to the wider community on a mass scale and showcasing the growing cluster of sector organisations around the Blyth estuary.

Organised in conjunction with Northumberland County Council, Blyth Renewables Festival 2010 has attracted one of the world’s largest tallships, the vessel “Mir”, to act as a focal point on Blyth Quayside as an early example of the use of renewable energy. Main sponsor, Narec (the National Renewable Energy Centre) together with other renewable energy related organisations around the estuary will also be putting on a variety of displays and demonstrations, highlighting the growing importance of this technology and the opportunity for renewables led economic growth and employment. The event over the weekend of 14th / 15th August is anticipated to attract thousands of visitors with a host of renewable energy themed entertainment on offer from stilt walkers to a green funfair and live music to boat trips.

On the eve of the festival, up to 200 guests will also attend a reception in the Renewable Energy Village marquee before sailing into Blyth bay onboard the tallship “Mir”. The vessel will sail past the first two offshore wind turbines in the UK for an iconic view of the new & old in terms of renewable energy. Port of Blyth Chief Executive and instigator of the festival, Martin Lawlor, added “we are delighted to be hosting such a high profile event and hope that it will present a unique opportunity to highlight the exciting developments that are taking place not only around the estuary but across the region as a whole.

If the festival also plays even a small part in raising awareness of the potential renewable energy revolution that lies ahead for the nation then it will have proved an overwhelming success.”


Source: portofblyth, August 03, 2010;