Poland to Give More Offshore Wind Support

Authorities & Government

Poland to Give More Offshore Wind Support

Polish Economy Ministry presented the newest version of a draft bill on July 27, in which the state cuts the overall support for renewable energy sources between 2013 and 2020. Specifically, the proposed support for biomass and onshore wind power will be reduced in favour of offshore wind and solar power.

Reuters brings an explanation from Polish officials, saying that importing biomass costs the country PLN 1 billion per year. Moreover, there was a large support for onshore wind and now the aim is to improve the system in a way which can balance support for all energy sources.

Estimation says that Poland has 10,000MW of offshore wind capacity on the Baltic Sea, which can annually generate 30 TWh of electricity.

The draft bill could enter into force by January 2013, but first it must go through a period of consultation by other government ministries and industry groups. After that it will be sent to parliament for adoption.


Offshore WIND staff, July 31, 2012; Image: Global Tech I