PLAT-O installation works to begin end of July

Operations & Maintenance
PLAT-O floating tidal energy platform (Photo: SME)
PLAT-O floating tidal energy platform (Photo: SME)

Marine works related to the deployment of Sustainable Marine Energy’s PLAT-O tidal energy converter at EMEC are scheduled to begin at the end of this month.

Orkney-based marine renewables service provider, Leask Marine, will engage its multi-cat C-Chariot vessel supported by the workboats C-Salvor, Uskmoor and Live Wyre for marine works related to the installation of the PLAT-O tidal energy converter.

Sustainable Marine Energy’s (SME) 100kW PLAT-O tidal energy converter, which hosts two Schottel Hydro’s SIT turbines, will be installed at European Marine Energy Center’s (EMEC) grid-connected Fall of Warness tidal testing site.

To remind, SME recently installed four subsea rock anchors at the testing site which will be used to moor PLAT-O tidal energy platform.

The works will include mooring, cable works and crane operations.

The period of operations will last from July 26 to August 17, 2016.

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