Planning Inspectorate Wraps Up Hornsea Three EIA Examination

Business & Finance

The UK Planning Inspectorate has completed the examination of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of Ørsted’s Hornsea Project Three offshore wind farm.

The Examining Authority will now compile a report comprising conclusions and recommendations in respect of the application.

The report is then sent to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), who will decide whether to grant the development consent.

RPS Group said its technical specialists worked closely with Ørsted’s Environment and Consents team throughout the examination, providing input to the documents which have been produced and submitted since October last year.

“RPS have played a central role in preparing the Hornsea Three application and providing technical advice through the testing examination phase,” said Stuart Livesey, Ørsted’s Hornsea Project Three Development Manager.

“Their multi discipline team has been instrumental in preparing a robust evidence led assessment and have played a central role in responding to stakeholder and Examiners questions and concerns. They are a dedicated team and became trusted advisors on complex matters.”

RPS was also the lead EIA consultant for Hornsea Project One, consented in December 2014, and Hornsea Project Two, consented in August 2016.

The 2.4GW Hornsea Project Three will be constructed more than 120km off the north Norfolk coast. It will comprise up to 300 turbines and if built to full capacity could power the average daily needs of over 2 million UK homes.