PHOTO: Coastal Resilience Work on Absecon Island

Business & Finance
Photo by Mark Nedzbala, USACE

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Atlantic District’s Business Technical Division recently led a team that reviewed the design and construction involved with Philadelphia District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ current coastal resilience work on Absecon Island, New Jersey.

Team members also included their colleagues from New York and New England Districts, according to the official announcement.

The Absecon Island coastal scheme is one of several along the New Jersey coastline being funded by $1.2 billion appropriated by Congress to rebuild and strengthen the state’s beaches following Superstorm Sandy in October 2012.

The visit started and ended at the Philly District offices at The Wanamaker Office Building, but team members also got out to an active construction site associated with the project.

Photo by Mark Nedzbala, USACE