Petronas confirms first cargo load-out from Satu FLNG


Following reports last week that Petronas would be the first ever company to load out an LNG cargo from a floating LNG facility, this has now been confirmed by the company itself.

In a statement on Monday, Petronas has confirmed that its first floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, PFLNG SATU, has achieved a new milestone with the loading of its first cargo at the Kanowit gas field, offshore Miri, Sarawak on April 1, 2017.

The first cargo was fully loaded onto the LNG carrier Seri Camellia which is expected to set sail for a South Asian market, Petronas said. To remind, a Reuters report last week claimed the cargo would leave for South Korea.

While this is the first load out for Petronas, it is also the world’s first achievement for a vessel of this type.

Manned by 145 crew onboard, PFLNG SATU is designed for water-depths of between 70 meters and 200 meters and possesses a processing capacity of 1.2 million tonnes per year.

The floating production unit achieved first gas in November 2016.