Sirius-2 well was drilled with Noble Corporation's Noble Discoverer semi-submersible rig; Source: Petrobras

Petrobras’ drill stem test underpins gas volumetric potential offshore Colombia

Exploration & Production

Brazilian state-owned energy giant Petrobras, through Petrobras International Braspetro, a Colombian branch (PIB-COL), and its partner, Ecopetrol, have conducted a drill stem test (DST) at a well related to a giant natural gas discovery off the coast of Colombia.

Sirius-2 well was drilled with Noble Corporation's Noble Discoverer semi-submersible rig; Source: Petrobras

Last year, the Brazilian player highlighted that two discoveries in Colombian waters raised the gas potential in the Guajira Offshore Basin to approximately 6 trillion cubic feet (tcf).

The firm reached the main target of the Sirius-2 well with Noble Corporation’s Noble Discoverer semi-submersible rig to check the extent of the gas discovery made in 2022 with the drilling of the Sirius-1 well, which was completed with Transocean’s Development Driller III rig. 

Petrobras said at the end of 2024 that the discovery may increase Colombia’s current reserves by 200%, as the assessment of the Sirius-2 well results confirmed local volumes of over 6 trillion cubic feet in place (VGIP).

As a result, a formation test was on the agenda to be undertaken by the end of 2024 to determine the extension of the two gas discoveries in the Sirius-1 and Sirius-2 wells. The partners described the hydrocarbon find at the second well as Colombia’s “most significant gas discovery ever.”

While shedding more light on the DST in the Sirius-2 well in deep waters, 31 kilometers off Colombia’s coast, at a water depth of 804 meters, Petrobras underlined that the test assessed to approximately 100 meters reservoir interval, which demonstrated “good productivity.”

The company collected samples during the test, which will be characterized through laboratory analyses. However, the preliminary results of the test are interpreted to reinforce the volumetric potential for gas in the region. Petrobras, through its wholly-owned subsidiary PIB-COL, acts as the operator of the consortium (44,44% share), jointly with Ecopetrol (55,56% share).

This consortium will continue to evaluate the results obtained from the drilling of Sirius-1 and Sirius-2 wells in line with planning and contractual obligations set by Colombia’s Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos (ANH).

The Brazilian firm’s operations in the GUA-OFF-0 Block are aligned with its long-term strategy, aimed at replenishing oil and gas reserves through the exploration of new frontiers to ensure that global energy demands get met during the transition to a low-carbon and clean power era.