Norwegian state-owned firm Petoro has awarded AGR, part of ABL Group with a frame agreement for the supply of supply independent consultancy and third-party verification studies across subsurface, drilling, and wells and field development.

Petoro awards AGR frame agreement for suite of services


Norwegian state-owned firm Petoro has awarded AGR, part of ABL Group, with a frame agreement for the supply of independent consultancy and third-party verification studies across subsurface, drilling, and wells and field development.

Erik Lorange, VP Reservoir Management at AGR. Source: AGR

Petoro manages a direct financial stake in Norway’s oil and gas industry, with the primary goal being to maximize value and revenue for the state from these assets. While not an operator, Petoro holds the same rights and responsibilities as other license holders on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS).

The frame agreement lasts for three years, with the possibility of two one-year extensions (3+1+1). The agreement encompasses most of AGR’s services throughout the entire lifecycle of petroleum assets, including reservoir and well management, well control and blowout contingency, operations geologists, and resourcing. 

“We have extensive expertise from IOR/EOR with reservoir modelling, well integrity and well control, concept and production technology, field development and verification. This competence, combined with in-depth experience from the NCS, enabled us to win this frame agreement,” said Erik Lorange, VP of Reservoir Management at AGR.

In February 2024, AGR secured a contract extension with Equinor for the provision of blowout and well control studies on the NCS.

The two-year contract extension will see AGR offer Equinor services such as blowout contingency planning, well control emergency response, casing magnetization service, and general transient flow analyses.