Akcakoca production platform; Source: Trillion Energy

Perforations at Trillion’s Black Sea gas field yield mixed results

Exploration & Production

Canada’s oil and gas player Trillion Energy has shared the latest information on the flow rates and well perforations at its gas field off the coast of Türkiye.

Akcakoca production platform; Source: Trillion Energy

The updates provided concern a two-month work program the company is undertaking at its SASB natural gas field in the Black Sea offshore Türkiye, covering the Akçakoca platform’s Guluc-2, South Akcakoca-2, West Akcakoca-1, and Akcakoca-3 wells. Weekly updates were previously provided on July 17 and July 8.

According to Trillion, the wellhead pressure (WHP) at South Akcakoca-2 stabilized at 371 psi at the time of the update, with the well producing 1.94 MMcf/d using a 42/64” choke.

Furthermore, after the initial flow at Guluc-2 was diverted to the platform vent line with a 64/64” choke where producing WHP was about 350 psi, the well was shut, causing the WHP to jump to 1,200 psi within 40 minutes. The firm said Guluc-2 was producing at 3.35 MMcf/d with a WHP of 484 psi using a 32/64” choke. 

Meanwhile, West Akcakoca-1 faced some delays while waiting for a replacement tool to arrive, causing only two of the five zones scheduled for perforations to be completed. The company said two perforated zones contain 5 meters of gas pay, where WHP increased from 1,150 psi to 1,350 psi.

The firm intends to perforate three more gas zones amounting to an additional 4 meters, after which the well will be tested and flowed. Good results are anticipated based on the initial WHP increase.

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Trillion stated that no WHP increase was noticed at Akcakoca-3 after perforating more than 11 meters of gas pay, likely due to water loading, which was at a depth of 315 meters. The well is expected to come back online at about 2 MMcf/d after installing a velocity string, which recently arrived at the company’s shore base. 

Following preparation, the firm intends to dispatch them to the Akcakoca production platform to be used in the Akcakoca-3 gas well.