Pembina says moving forward with US Jordan Cove LNG project

Ports & Logistics
Image courtesy of Jordan Cove LNG

Pembina Pipeline Corporation, one of Canada’s largest energy infrastructure companies, said Thursday it was moving forward with the planned Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project in the US.

Pembina said in its first-quarter report it also continued to progress the related Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline that would transport natural gas from the Malin Hub in southern Oregon to the export terminal in Coos Bay.

Additionally, the company said that most of its $20 million quarterly capital spent was invested in the LNG export project.

To remind, Pembina secured 100 percent ownership of the 7.8 million ton per annum LNG export project following the acquisition of Veresen in October.

Jordan Cove officially filed its application with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in September 2017.

According to its website, the company expects a decision in November 2018.


LNG World News Staff