Paldiski Dredging Plan Unveiled
Over EUR 117 million has been allocated to 39 key transport projects by the EU, aimed at filling the gaps in missing connections across the continent while at the same time keeping a strong focus on sustainable transport modes.

The projects, supported through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), among other things, are dedicated to upgrading infrastructure within EU ports in order to foster multimodality and lower emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases.
As a part of this program, Estonian Port of Tallinn plans to deepen Paldiski South Harbor to allow larger ships to enter the port.
The project includes studies regarding the geology, environmental effects and the dredging. This will allow the harbor to be more efficient and better respond to transport demands (recommended CEF funding: ca. EUR 1.3 million).
Under the same plan, Port of Rauma’s MultiPort project will increase capacity and reduce congestion through a new cargo handling area. Along with a wider plan to expand and modernize the port, it will bring environmental benefits alongside regional development (recommended CEF funding: ca. EUR 2.4 million).
A project by the Port of Karlshamn will allow it to prepare for the next generation of large Ro-Pax vessels, almost doubling its capacity and resulting in faster cargo flows.
The projects were selected for funding via a call for proposals launched on 8 January in all EU Member States. The EU’s financial contribution comes in the form of grants, with different co-financing rates depending on the project type.