Pakistan LNG issues tender for four cargoes

Ports & Logistics
BW’s FSRU BW Integrity is being used as Pakistan’s second import terminal in Port Qasim (Image: BW)

Pakistan LNG launched a tender seeking the supply of a total of four liquefied natural gas cargoes for delivery in March next year.

According to the state-owned company’s tender document, the supply term is divided into four periods.

The first delivery window is from March 8-9, the second from March 17-18, the third from March 22-23 and the fourth from March 27-28.

The cargoes will be delivered on a DES basis to the newly opened Pakistan GasPort’s FSRU-based LNG import terminal at Port Qasim or such other LNG terminal within Pakistan, the document reads.

Bids must be submitted on or before December 26.


LNG World News Staff