3696 results found for 'methanol'

3696 results found for 'methanol'
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  • 23 June 2015

    GasLog Partners reveals a public offering of 7,500,000 common units, aimed at funding the acquisition of three LNG carriers from its parent company, GasLog.

  • 23 November 2016

    Peru’s only liquefaction and export facility at Pampa Melchorita has dispatched another cargo of liquefied natural gas to Spain.

  • 23 June 2015

    GasLog Partners reveals a public offering of 7,500,000 common units, aimed at funding the acquisition of three LNG carriers from its parent company, GasLog.

  • 5 September 2017
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Operations & Maintenance, Research & Development

    Blue Ocean Monitoring conducted the Yampi geochemical glider survey (Yampi project) a research and development project undertaken, and wholly funded by Blue Ocean Monitoring. The Yampi project built on the knowledge gained from previous geochemical surveys and incorporated the use of methane sensor technology, never been applied to underwater gliders, to enhance the ability of […]

  • 14 August 2014
    Project & Tenders, Vessels

    GasLog Partners have entered into an agreement to purchase from GasLog, its parent company, 100% of the shares in the entities that own and charter the Methane Jane Elizabeth and Methane Rita Andrea, modern LNG carriers built in 2006, each with a capacity of 145,000 cubic meters. The purchase price is about $328 million. The […]

  • 13 January 2014
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Research & Development

    Little known but very important for climate change: the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane. For these substances, derived in large part from the ocean, there are still no uniform oceanic measurements worldwide. To change this and to build a global network of time series measurements in the ocean, an international working group has formed […]

  • 13 May 2016
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, Project & Tenders, Research & Development

    Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) is looking for consultancy services on migration modelling of hydrocarbons within Petromaks 2, ‘Norcrust’. Petromaks 2, Norcrust is a collaborative project lead by the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU). Partners are ‘Cage – Center for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate’ at the University of Tromsø, Statoil ASA, Lundin Norway AS, […]

  • 1 November 2021
    Business Developments & Projects, Operations & Maintenance

    The FSRU vessel LNG Croatia, located on the island of Krk, has received its milestone cargo delivered by Methane Nile Eagle LNG carrier.

  • 1 December 2014

    Andrew Clifton and Chris Clucas presented an interview with one of LNG carrier construction pioneers Roger Ffooks.

  • 15 September 2016
    Business & Finance

    The 2008-built chemical tanker Orakai was towed to the port of Cartagena, Spain, after it suffered engine issues on Tuesday morning, according to the Spanish Maritime Safety Agency. Namely, the Spanish coastguard sent the tug Clara Campoamor to assist the tanker, which was loaded with 4,732 tons of ethanol when it ran into trouble some 13 miles south west of Calblanque, Murcia. Unfavorable […]

  • 19 April 2022
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Exploration & Production, Project & Tenders

    Empyrean has confirmed the presence of gas clouds over the Jade well off China with drilling results thanks to elevated methane levels.

  • 30 November 2022
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Environment, Green Marine, Outlook & Strategy, Regulation & Policy, Rules & Regulation, Transition, Vessels

    A preliminary agreement has been reached between the EU’s top three institutions to include greenhouse gas emissions from the maritime sector in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). The tentative deal was struck on Tuesday evening, and it leads to several milestones such as the inclusion of methane, Nitrous oxide (N2O) as well as CO2 […]

  • 3 August 2012

    CBM Asia reported excellent gas quality has been measured at the Kutai West Coalbed Methane Production Sharing Contract, located in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Newton Energy Capital Limited operates the Kutai West CBM PSC, in which CBM Asia holds an 18% working interest. Contractor PT GeoServices measured the composition of coalbed methane gas desorbed from eleven […]

  • 16 February 2012

    In December the Expert Group on Future Transport Fuels (DG MOVE) published its second report on Infrastructure for Alternative Fuels, which includes policy recommendations and highlights the stakeholders’ view on necessary actions to develop an adequate refuelling infrastructure for alternative fuels. NGVA Europe was deeply involved in the elaboration of this report and is the […]

  • 4 March 2020

    Kinetrex Energy, EDL and South Side Landfill have completed the Indy High BTU plant, the largest RNG plant in Indiana, at the Indianapolis South Side Landfill.

  • 25 March 2021
    Outlook & Strategy, Transition

    In 2020, Gazprom achieved its environmental targets and reduced greenhouse gas emissions to reduce its environmental impacts and increase energy efficiency.

  • 7 October 2016

    Peru’s liquefaction facility at Pampa Melchorita shipped its first two LNG cargoes for the month of October.

  • 28 April 2016

    GasLog Partners, the Monaco-based owner and operator of LNG carriers said Thursday its first-quarter net income rose 26 percent as compared to the same period a year before.

  • 23 June 2015
    Project & Tenders, Vessels

    GasLog Partners have entered into an agreement to purchase from GasLog, its parent company, 100% of the shares in the entities that own and charter the Methane Alison Victoria, Methane Shirley Elisabeth and Methane Heather Sally, modern liquefied natural gas carriers built in 2007, each with a capacity of 145,000 cubic meters.

  • 29 May 2013

    Perth based Eden Energy has executed a conditional Heads of Terms to sell its entire UK coal seam methane and shale gas portfolio for £10.061million to be satisfied by a cash payment of £750,000 and with the balance to be paid in fully paid ordinary shares in presently unlisted UK public company Shale Energy. The […]

  • 15 October 2014
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Operations & Maintenance, Project & Tenders, Research & Development

    CAGE, Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate has selected Kongsberg Maritime to develop and deliver two ocean observatories. The observatories will be deployed off the coast of Svalbard (Norwegian islands in the Arctic Ocean) during 2015, to monitor methane leaks from the seabed. The contract for this project was signed 6th October 2014. […]

  • 29 August 2012
    Business & Finance, Research & Development

      Senior Scientist Hideki Kobayashi and research team members from the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC: Asahiko Taira, President) Institute of Biogeosciences have been investigating the ecology of an amphipod (Hirondellea gigas) living in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench (10,900 m depth). The amphipod Hirondellea gigas is an amazing creature […]

  • 11 May 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Outlook & Strategy, Transition

    CMA CGM has made a step forward towards its net-zero carbon 2050 goal as it joined the Jupiter 1000 industrial demonstrator project piloted by compatriot gas transport company GRTgaz.

  • 22 June 2016

    Peru’s only liquefaction and export facility at Pampa Melchorita recently dispatched a cargo of LNG to Spain.

  • 23 June 2015
    Project & Tenders, Vessels

    GasLog Partners have entered into an agreement to purchase from GasLog, its parent company, 100% of the shares in the entities that own and charter the Methane Alison Victoria, Methane Shirley Elisabeth and Methane Heather Sally, modern liquefied natural gas carriers built in 2007, each with a capacity of 145,000 cubic meters.