2010 results found for 'TECO 2030'

2010 results found for 'TECO 2030'
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  • 1 July 2020
    Equipment, Innovation, Research & Development, Technology, Vessels

    Wind-assisted ship propulsion has immense potential for achieving fuel savings and cutting emissions. Even though it is not believed to be THE solution for full decarbonization of the industry and getting to net-zero, it has emerged as an intermediary step which, when combined with other available solutions like air bubbles, anti-fouling, and different software solutions […]

  • 5 November 2012

    Reimerswaal Dredging has been active in the sand and gravel mining industry for 45 years. Since 1995, the company has been using ships with a dry unloading system, which has considerably sped up the turnaround and increased the profitability. When in 2008, the company’s two dredgers, named Reimerswaal 3 and Orisant, were sold, it provided the funds for […]

  • 20 September 2013

    Overall confidence levels in the shipping industry held firm over the three-month period to August 2013, maintaining the highest level reached since November 2010, according to the latest Shipping Confidence Survey from international accountant and shipping adviser Moore Stephens. Doubts persist, however, over the level of excess tonnage and the resultant effect on freight rates, […]

  • 7 December 2012

    Underwater turbines are ready for commercial use. Tocardo has developed a turbine that runs in the tidal stream at the locks of the Afsluitdijk in the Netherlands, which is in use and connected to the power grid for four years already. The company is on the threshold of creating a new renewable energy market segment: […]

  • 22 January 2015
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Research & Development

    MBARI engineers have designed a new underwater camera and lighting system which they hope will be simple and inexpensive enough so that almost any researcher could build one. The SeeStar project, as it is called, began as the brainchild of marine biologist Steve Haddock and Electrical Engineer Chad Kecy. Haddock, an expert on jellies, wanted […]

  • 26 August 2018

    Silverburn Shipping specializes in heavy cargo shipping in Eastern Europe.

  • 31 May 2011
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Operations & Maintenance

    The new flexible dredging concept is the answer to increasing demand for raw materials while sand winning locations are located further from shore at increased dredging depths. The RoRo Deep Dredge, which can work up to -200 m dredging depth, has specifically been designed to meet this demand and to challenge current technical limitations. Shortage […]

  • 20 October 2014
    Business & Finance

    Wilhelmsen Ships Service (WSS) is one of the world’s leading maritime service providers with 4,500 people serving more than 2,200 ports worldwide. Last year, WSS made product deliveries to 24,000 vessels and handled 67,000 port calls. On average, WSS delivers one marine product every two minutes. The World Maritime News met with Danny Ingemann, Business […]

  • 31 May 2011
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Technology, Vessels

    The new flexible dredging concept is the answer to increasing demand for raw materials while sand winning locations are located further from shore at increased dredging depths. The RoRo Deep Dredge, which can work up to -200 m dredging depth, has specifically been designed to meet this demand and to challenge current technical limitations. Shortage […]

  • 9 May 2018

    U.S. president Donald Trump on Tuesday terminated the U.S. participation in the Iran nuclear agreement devised in 2015 to curb Iran’s nuclear weapons development capacity, labeling it “one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into.”

  • 8 January 2017

    In this article, Maritime Holland looks at two coasters, which are specifically converted for efficient roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) transport of large components for the wind farm industry. The short sea shipping and container shipping markets are in a crisis. While in the Netherlands several ship owners have filed for bankruptcy recently, elsewhere in the world a […]

  • 11 April 2018
    Business & Finance

    Italian oil company Eni expects its production to increase by 3.5% per year over the next four years.

  • 31 August 2010
    Business & Finance, Project & Tenders

    The Joint Venture Nordsee Nassbagger- und Tiefbau Gmbh – GeoSea NV, both of them members of the Belgian dredging, marine engineering and environmental Group DEME, has been awarded two different contracts for prepiling and installation works to construct both the EnBW Baltic 2 wind farm, 32 km north of the island of Rügen, and the […]

  • 6 June 2012

    Operations all over the world challenge Imtech Marine to employ specific qualities in projects from different company branches and from different regions for optimal results. Managing director Eric van den Adel sees the need to invest in high level education in emerging industries. “Today, we have 89 sites around the world from which we service […]

  • 19 November 2013

    It is always good when a ship’s owner secures a contract for the use of the vessel before it comes into service. Usually this happens towards the later stages of the build of the vessel. It is indeed unusual for a vessel to have two contracts for its use secured before the detailed design is […]

  • 14 June 2013

    Overall confidence levels in the shipping industry rose to their highest level for two and a half years in the three months ended May 2013, according to the latest Shipping Confidence Survey from international accountant and shipping adviser Moore Stephens. The survey produced evidence of increased enthusiasm for new investment, although doubts persisted about the […]

  • 18 December 2013
    Business & Finance

    Overall confidence levels in the shipping industry rose to their highest level for more than three years over the three-month period to November 2013, according to the latest Shipping Confidence Survey from international accountant and shipping adviser Moore Stephens. There was encouraging news on freight rates, and evidence of an increased willingness to invest. But […]

  • 7 June 2020

    By Tom Scott For many maritime companies, cooperation with an external party is a perfect way to develop innovative products and ideas. By forming symbiotic relationships, both companies can concentrate on their core businesses while drawing on the expertise of the other. The new branches of knowledge that are formed advance the progress of technology […]

  • 5 March 2014
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Technology

    The U.S. President Obama’s Budget for fiscal year 2015 (FY15) included $4.561 billion in gross discretionary funding for the Civil Works program of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), which is offset in part by a proposal to cancel $28 million in unobligated carryover of funds previously appropriated. “The fiscal 2015 Civil Works budget […]

  • 8 March 2012
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, Research & Development

    Squeezed into a submersible as futuristic as anything in his movies, James Cameron intends to descend solo to the ocean’s deepest point within weeks, the Canadian filmmaker and explorer announced Thursday.  Just Tuesday, during testing off Papua New Guinea, Cameron dived deeper than any other human has on a solo mission. Now he aims to […]

  • 14 April 2012

    Due to global warming the Arctic area has become an exiting point of untapped resources. According to reports 30% of the world’s undiscovered gas and 13% of the world’s undiscovered oil can be drilled here. Furthermore, the famous North- West Passage could become the new, and ultimately shorter, route to the Far East. These interesting […]

  • 24 August 2010

    Since its introduction five years ago, the ULSTEIN X-BOW® concept has proven its added value to customers when it comes to enhanced performances in operations, fuel economy, comfort and safety. However, innovation is a continuous process within ULSTEIN, finding new combinations of potential markets, products and services that allow customers to expand their positions. “Innovation […]

  • 24 August 2010
    Research & Development

    Since its introduction five years ago, the ULSTEIN X-BOW® concept has proven its added value to customers when it comes to enhanced performances in operations, fuel economy, comfort and safety. However, innovation is a continuous process within ULSTEIN, finding new combinations of potential markets, products and services that allow customers to expand their positions. “Innovation […]

  • 24 August 2010
    Equipment, Research & Development, Vessels

    Since its introduction five years ago, the ULSTEIN X-BOW® concept has proven its added value to customers when it comes to enhanced performances in operations, fuel economy, comfort and safety.However, innovation is a continuous process within ULSTEIN, finding new combinations of potential markets, products and services that allow customers to expand their positions. “Innovation is […]

  • 11 May 2012
    Business & Finance

    The Board of Directors of Prysmian S.p.A. has approved the Group’s consolidated results for the first quarter of 2012 (which are not subject to audit). ” The integration with Draka has led to a significant growth in size – comments CEO Valerio Battista -, allowing sales to be better distributed geographically and the range of […]