10000 results found for 'Culzean'

10000 results found for 'Culzean'
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  • 10 June 2015
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance

    Canadian offshore wind developer Trillium Power has filed a spoliation motion with the Ontario Superior Court, scheduled to be heard by a Master of the Court on June 18th, the company’s CEO John Kourtoff confirmed to Offshore WIND. The latest legal action, added to their $500 million legal action, claims Ontario government officials have intentionally […]

  • 30 June 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business Developments & Projects, Environment, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Regulation & Policy, Research & Development

    Danish green hydrogen provider Everfuel has announced that several milestones were attained towards completing the 20 MW HySynergy phase 1 electrolyzer in Fredericia, Denmark. The company said it obtained environmental approval for the hydrogen plant from the Danish Environmental Ministry, and it made progress on finalizing the electrical system and the distribution center, both of […]

  • 28 June 2023
    Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics

    Port of Rotterdam, together with Rotterdam Port Promotion Council (RPPC), has signed an agreement with Navingo BV on taking part in Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2023 (OEEC 2023) this November in Amsterdam. With OEEC’s aim being connecting the entire offshore energy sector through the work its different industries are doing in energy transition, Port […]

  • 31 August 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development, Transition

    Japanese companies Mitsui & Co., Mitsui Chemicals, IHI Corporation and The Kansai Electric Power Co. have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to execute a joint study to establish a hydrogen and ammonia supply chain based in the Osaka coastal industrial zone. Under the MoU, the four companies will study the development of bases for […]

  • 24 April 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Green Marine, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Ports & Logistics, Transition, Vessels

    Proman Stena Bulk, the joint venture between tanker company Stena Bulk and methanol producer Proman, has completed the first-ever barge-to-ship methanol bunkering on the US Gulf Coast. The JV tankers Stena Pro Marine and Stena Prosperous were refuelled with methanol via barge while discharging clean petroleum products at a terminal in the Port of Houston in the first week […]

  • 8 September 2022
    Carbon Capture Usage & Storage, Collaboration, Green Marine, Transition, Vessels

    Lloyd’s Register (LR) has granted Approval in Principle for Value Maritime’s Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) System. According to the Dutch maritime technology company, Filtree System, is a prefabricated gas cleaning system that filters sulphur and 99% of particulate matter. The CCS system includes a carbon capture module that captures the CO2 in a special […]

  • 11 May 2022
    Authorities & Government, Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Equipment, Innovation, Market Outlooks, Outlook & Strategy, Regulation & Policy, Research & Development, Technology

    UK-based marine energy company Sustainable Marine has harnessed the enormous tidal currents in Canada’s Bay of Fundy, delivering the first floating in-stream tidal power to Nova Scotia’s grid.

  • 11 August 2021
    Business Developments & Projects, Innovation, Outlook & Strategy, Regulation & Policy

    UK energy minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan has visited the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) in Orkney to see the advancements taking place in ocean energy and discuss the UK’s potential to develop a new world-leading renewable energy industry.

  • 8 April 2021
    Authorities & Government, Business Developments & Projects, Outlook & Strategy, Regulation & Policy, Technology, Vision

    Marine Energy Wales and Tidal Range Alliance have welcomed the Welsh government’s intention to reassess its potential support for the development of tidal range energy projects in Wales.

  • 24 April 2013
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Technology

    HaloSource, Inc (HALO.LN, HAL.LN), the clean water technology company that develops and manufactures HaloKlear water clarification products for the construction, mining and dredging industries, has announced that its HaloKlear Dual Polymer System (DPS) has been added as a reimbursable pay item to a list of construction water treatment Best Management Practices by the Florida Department […]

  • 20 June 2014
    Business & Finance, Equipment, Technology

    Environmental Advocates of New York, NY/NJ Baykeeper, New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG), Riverkeeper and Tri-State Transportation Campaign strongly oppose Governor Cuomo’s plan to allow the State Thruway Authority to borrow $511 million of Environmental Facilities Corporation (EFC) funds originally slated for wastewater infrastructure and environmental restoration projects, in order to pay for construction, […]

  • 9 September 2013
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, Research & Development

    Huawei Marine Networks Co., Ltd. (Huawei Marine), a global submarine cable networks provider, announced the commercial operation of their second generation undersea repeater and branching unit manufacturing plant in Dongguan, China. The factory is ramping-up to full production capacity as Huawei Marine prepares for a new project in the West African region. Completed in April […]

  • 16 May 2016

    Climate activists have continued their protest against coal shipments over the weekend targeting Indonesia, the world’s second biggest exporter of coal. Namely, on Sunday, Greenpeace Indonesia activists climbed the cranes of two grab-type ship unloaders, blocking the supply of coal for the Cirebon Coal Power Plant. The protest is part of a global wave of ‘Break Free’ […]

  • 9 August 2013

    The Bicameral Task Force on Climate Change released a white paper recommending 20 concrete steps the Department of Energy should take in carrying out the President’s Climate Action Plan.  The recommendations include strengthening specific energy efficiency standards, accelerating the development and deployment of low-carbon energy technologies, expanding the use of energy savings performance contracts to […]

  • 21 May 2013

    Cabot Oil & Gas Corporation announced the use of Marcellus Shale natural gas to fracture wells via innovative dual fuel technology. This marks the first time “field” gas has been used in northeastern Pennsylvania for this purpose. The process of using clean-burning natural gas can displace up to 70 percent of the diesel fuel traditionally […]

  • 18 November 2011
    Project & Tenders

    EWC has entered into a non binding term sheet to sell a 30% interest in the Abbot Point LNG facility and associated pipelines with Orchid Fund Pte Limited, an affiliate of Richard Chandler Corporation and Energy World International Ltd, a company controlled by EWC’s Chairman, Mr. Stewart Elliott. The Project is anticipated to consist of […]

  • 13 June 2011

      ScottishPower Renewables (SPR), part of the world’s largest wind power company Iberdrola*, has become the first developer in the UK to achieve one gigawatt (GW) of electricity production capacity from wind power. The milestone was achieved after the company officially opened Arecleoch (120MW) and Mark Hill (56MW) windfarms in South Ayrshire. SPR now has […]

  • 19 October 2011

    While the financial crisis of 2008-2009 and the recession had a strong impact on the wind energy industry in terms of new installations, the sector has continued to mature. Wind power now accounts for the majority of the world’s installed capacity of non-hydropower renewable energy generation, and most people in the energy industry have come […]

  • 18 April 2012
    Business & Finance

    The continuing economic crisis has created a need for alternative sources of capital for the renewable energy sector, people attending a panel session at the EWEA 2012 Annual Event in Copenhagen heard on Wednesday. Torben Pedersen, of PensionDanmark, also said there are considerable pressures on public finances due to debt issues and on the banking […]

  • 5 May 2013
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Research & Development

    Fundy Tidal Inc. (Fundy Tidal), Acadia University, and Dalhousie University’s Department of Oceanography will continue R&D activities to identify the best locations for small-scale tidal power projects in Digby County bolstered by a three-year, $3.3 million research project. Funding of $1.6 million will come from Natural Resources Canada through its 2012 ecoEnergy Innovation Initiative competition. […]

  • 20 February 2014
    Research & Development

    By embracing conservation measures and renewable energy, China can transition to an 80 percent renewable electric power system by 2050 at far less cost than continuing to rely on coal, according to a new report from WWF-US. As a result, China’s carbon emissions from power generation could be 90 percent less than currently projected levels […]

  • 4 March 2020
    Human Capital

    The UK offshore wind industry has pledged to employ at least 3,000 apprentices between now and the end of the decade, the Offshore Wind Industry Council (OWIC) said. They will work in a wide variety of jobs from turbine technicians and maintenance engineers to roles in management and finance, OWIC said. The sector also aims […]

  • 24 April 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Carbon Capture Usage & Storage, Collaboration, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Transition

    The European Union (EU) and Norway have formed a Green Alliance to strengthen their cooperation on clean energy and industrial transition as well as joint climate action and environmental protection efforts. The agreement was signed on 24 April in Brussels by the President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, and Norway’s Prime Minister, Jonas […]

  • 17 March 2023
    Environment, Rules & Regulation

    Governments must use the upcoming meeting of the Intersessional Working Group on Greenhouse Gases (ISWG-GHG-14) to support stronger science-based climate targets for 2030 and 2040 that are vital for shipping’s energy transition, according to Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC).

  • 6 June 2022
    Authorities & Government, Environment, Outlook & Strategy, Regulation & Policy, Transition

    The Clean Arctic Alliance has called on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to take urgent action to curb climate impacts on the Arctic, by delivering meaningful short-term measures that would kick-start dramatic reductions in global greenhouse gas (GHG) and black carbon emissions from shipping this decade. The call comes as a meeting of the IMO’s […]