755 results found for 'The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway audit '

755 results found for 'The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway audit '
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  • 21 October 2011
    Business & Finance

    Contractors need a robust organisation, clear roles and responsibilities, a willingness to learn and continuous improvement to help improve safety in the petroleum sector. That message emerged from a one-day seminar staged by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) on this subject, which includes reducing the risk of major accidents. “We have many good reasons […]

  • 28 April 2011
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    On 27 April the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) presented its 2010 report regarding the risk level on the Norwegian shelf (RNNP). The report is largely in line with Statoil’s own reports regarding health, safety and environment on the shelf. “This report is important for us. It shows where we succeed and what challenges we […]

  • 29 November 2019
    Exploration & Production

    Oil major ConocoPhillips has received consent from the offshore safety body, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), for production drilling on the Tor field using the West Linus drilling rig.

  • 24 March 2011
    Business & Finance

      Statoil has today, 24 March, received the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway’s (PSA) investigation report on the Gullfaks B gas leak on 4 December 2010. Statoil published its own investigation of the incident in February. ”The main conclusions from the PSA are in keeping with the results from our own investigation of the incident. We […]

  • 12 January 2015
    Exploration & Production

    The Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) Norway has carried out an audit of emergency preparedness, cranes and lifting at Valemon field, located in the North Sea. Statoil is the operator of the Valemon field, which is in the northern North Sea, west of the Kvitebjørn field. The field has been developed using a fixed production facility. […]

  • 17 May 2012
    Business & Finance

    Odfjell Drilling announced that the new rig will join its Norwegian fleet. “The operation of Island Innovator will be an important contribution to Odfjell Drilling’s activity on the Norwegian continental shelf. The contract between the owner Maracc and Lundin Norway AS will mean greater predictability for Odfjell Drilling and our operations in Norway. We will […]

  • 8 March 2016
    Exploration & Production

    Norwegian workers’ unions demanded a meeting with the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy over Statoil’s termination and suspension of COSLInnovator and COSLPromoter contracts, respectively, warning that 600 jobs could be lost.  To remind, Norwegian oil company Statoil terminated a contract with COSL Drilling for the semi-sub COSLInnovator, and suspended the one it had for the COSLPromoter rig. […]

  • 18 April 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Exploration & Production, Project & Tenders, Regulation & Policy, Rules & Regulation

    Wintershall Dea has received consent from the country’s offshore safety regulator for exploration drilling in the Norwegian Sea.

  • 4 July 2019

    Equinor has received consent from the Petroleum Safety Authority to use Island Wellserver and Island Frontier for well intervention on Trestakk and Utgard fields.

  • 7 September 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Exploration & Production, Project & Tenders, Regulation & Policy

    Aker BP has received consent from Norway’s offshore safety regulator for exploration drilling in the North Sea, using Odfjell Drilling’s rig.

  • 6 May 2019

    The PSA has found two improvement points during an audit of Neptune Energy and its follow-up of the riser delivery for the Fenja field.

  • 20 December 2015
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance, Project & Tenders

    Subsea World News has put together a recap of the most interesting articles from the previous week (December 14 – December 20). The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has given Statoil, Gassco and ExxonMobil consent for manned underwater operations in 2016. The services are to be supplied by Technip and Subsea 7. The consent applies […]

  • 20 December 2012

    The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) has notified Statoil of an order after its investigation of a hydrocarbon leak on Heimdal platform on 26 May 2012. The report identifies serious non-conformities from the regulations which are significant for safety. The hydrocarbon leak occurred in connection with the testing of two emergency shutdown valves (ESDVs) on […]

  • 7 February 2013
    Business & Finance, Operations & Maintenance

    Statoil has received a new consent to use Glitne, which includes the Petrojarl 1 production and storage facility with associated subsea wells. Production on the Glitne field started in 2001. However, additional resources that were discovered in the field have made it possible to operate the field for longer than originally planned. The field is […]

  • 7 February 2013
    Business & Finance

    Statoil has received a new consent to use Glitne, which includes the Petrojarl 1 production and storage facility with associated subsea wells. Production on the Glitne field started in 2001. However, additional resources that were discovered in the field have made it possible to operate the field for longer than originally planned. The field is […]

  • 20 July 2011
    Business & Finance

    During the period 4-7 July 2011, the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) conducted an audit of working environment conditions on the facility West Elara. Background The PSA’s activity was conducted as part of the processing of the company’s application for an Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC). The facility will be used as a drilling facility for […]

  • 9 February 2016

    ExxonMobil is reportedly planning to shut down production at the Jotun field offshore Norway by plugging 22 production wells, starting in April 2016.  The Jotun field is located in the North Sea, 200 km west of Stavanger. Water depth at the site is 126 metres. The field was developed with two installations, a wellhead platform Jotun B […]

  • 6 October 2017

    Following an audit of electrical safety, the Norwegian offshore safety watchdog, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), has issued a notice of order to Eni Norge to fix faults and deficiencies on the Goliat FPSO before resuming production.  The Eni-operated Goliat field is located in PL 229 in the Barents Sea, 80 km north-west of Hammerfest, […]

  • 14 June 2016
    Project & Tenders

    Norwegian oil giant Statoil has informed that the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has sanctioned the Plan for Development and Operation (PDO) of Oseberg Vestflanken 2, offshore Norway.  Partners in the Oseberg Vestflanken 2 production licence are Statoil Petroleum (49.3%), Petoro (33.6%), Total E&P Norge (14.7%) and ConocoPhillips Skandinavia (2.4%). The PDO of the North […]

  • 18 February 2021
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Exploration & Production

    Drilling operations on the Chrysaor-operated Jerv exploration well, located offshore Norway, started on 18 February 2021, using the COSLInnovator rig.

  • 5 April 2017
    Project & Tenders

    Norwegian offshore safety agency, the Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), has given its consent to the state-owned company Gassco to use the Polarled offshore pipeline. Polarled is a new gas pipeline from Statoil’s Aasta Hansteen field in the Norwegian Sea to the Shell-operated Nyhamna gas processing facility in Møre Og Romsdal county. The pipeline is a […]

  • 6 November 2017

    Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) has found further serious breaches of regulations on the Goliat FPSO and issued another notice of order to Eni, following an audit report of electrical facilities. 

  • 7 June 2018

    The PSA has found a number of irregularities during audits of Point Resources’ Jotun A and Balder facilities.

  • 14 November 2012

    The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway (PSA) today announced it has established that Ocean Rig AS has failed to comply with the preconditions for the Acknowledgement of Compliance (AoC) for Leiv Eiriksson while the semi-submersible rig, operated outside the Norwegian shelf. The PSA has learned of plans for the mobile facility Leiv Eriksson to participate in […]

  • 5 September 2023
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Carbon Capture Usage & Storage, Collaboration, Environment, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Transition

    Horisont Energi has signed a Letter of Intent (LoI) with energy company PGNiG Upstream Norway (PUN), part of Poland’s ORLEN Group, under which PUN aims to enter as a partner and operator in the only CO2 exploration license in the Barents Sea. The Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy announced the award of the Barents […]