67 results found for 'gasgrid finland'

67 results found for 'gasgrid finland'
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  • 12 August 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Project & Tenders, Vessels

    U.S.-based LNG specialist Excelerate Energy is to expand its fleet with a floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) to be built by Koren shipyard Hyundai Heavy Industries.

  • 23 May 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Infrastructure, Market Outlooks, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development, Transition

    Gasgrid Finland, a Finnish state-owned company and transmission system operator, and compatriot transmission system operator Fingrid have drafted three different scenarios in the joint project exploring the possibilities of the hydrogen economy and analysing its effects on the Finnish energy system. The joint project started in the spring of 2021 and now three different scenarios […]

  • 16 December 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure

    The Finnish and Swedish gas transmission system operators (TSOs) Gasgrid Finland and Nordion Energi, and offshore wind developers OX2 and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have entered into an agreement to investigate the development of large-scale offshore hydrogen pipeline infrastructure connecting Finland, Sweden, and Central Europe by 2030. The project, called the Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC), […]

  • 16 December 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure

    The Finnish and Swedish gas transmission system operators (TSOs) Gasgrid Finland and Nordion Energi, and offshore wind developers OX2 and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP) have entered into an agreement to investigate the development of large-scale offshore hydrogen pipeline infrastructure connecting Finland, Sweden, and Central Europe by 2030. The project, called the Baltic Sea Hydrogen Collector (BHC), […]

  • 23 November 2023
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Exploration & Production, Project & Tenders

    Gasgrid and Elering have revealed an increase in the technical capacity of the Balticconnector interconnection point.

  • 20 June 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Outlook & Strategy, Research & Development

    Neste Corporation, Gasgrid Finland, Helen and Vantaa Energy have joined forces and started preliminary studies on the development of an industrial hydrogen valley in the Uusimaa region in Finland. Neste said the industrial hydrogen valley would combine infrastructure, storage and transmission of renewable hydrogen, serving both producers and consumers of hydrogen, adding that sector integration […]

  • 11 October 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Environment, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Regulation & Policy, Safety

    The damage to the Balticconnector gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia was not caused by the normal gas transmission process, Finnish transmission system operator (TSO) Gasgrid reported following the launch of an investigation into a leak announced earlier this week. Gasgrid Finland informed that the location of the leak in the Balticconnector pipeline causing disruption […]

  • 28 November 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business Developments & Projects, Regulation & Policy

    The European Commission (EC) has adopted the first list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) and Projects of Mutual Interest (PMIs) that is fully in line with the European Green Deal. For the first time, hydrogen and electrolyzer projects are included in the list. The EC adopted the list containing a total of 166 key […]

  • 6 February 2023

    Estonian energy company Eesti Gaas has made agreements with two large LNG terminals in the Finnish-Baltic region to bring a total of ten LNG cargoes by the fall of this year. Under the agreements, Eesti gas will bring three deliveries to the port of Klaipeda in Lithuania in the winter and seven to the port […]

  • 24 May 2022
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Regulation & Policy, Rules & Regulation, Transition, Vessels

    The EU and the U.S. have condemned “Russia’s use of energy blackmail”, like cutting off gas supplies to Finland.

  • 18 April 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Research & Development, Transition

    An international tender for a pre-feasibility study for the Nordic-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor, a cross-border hydrogen project being developed by six European Union (EU) countries, has been launched. Lithuanian gas transmission system operator (TSOs) Amber Grid launched the tender on behalf of its project partners. In addition to Amber Grid, the partners in the project are European […]

  • 9 December 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Green Marine, Vessels

    Finnish energy company Gasgrid has announced that Excelerate Energy’s floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Exemplar will arrive at Fortum’s Inkoo port in Finland in the coming weeks to serve as an alternative to the country’s gas import. Exemplar departed Argentina in August, sailed to dock in Spain for maintenance and winterisation, and then headed […]

  • 7 April 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Project & Tenders, Vessels

    Finland’s ministries support the leasing of a floating LNG terminal together with Estonia to become independent from Russian gas.

  • 3 February 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Green Marine, Ports & Logistics

    The Sweden-based company OX2 and the Bank of Åland, who are jointly developing two multi-gigawatt-scale offshore wind farms in Finland, have initiated a feasibility study on Mega Grön Hamn (Mega Green Port), a project involving large-scale production and distribution of hydrogen and e-fuel in Åland. The companies plan to establish the Mega Green Port at […]

  • 6 November 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Outlook & Strategy, Vessels

    Following rupture and shutdown of the Balticconnector gas pipeline in early October, Finland’s Inkoo FSRU terminal has received second LNG cargo from Gasum. According to Gasum, the cargo arrived on November 5 and unloading to the FSRU has started where the LNG will be regasified and fed into the Finnish gas pipeline grid. The LNG […]

  • 5 December 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance, Regulation & Policy, Rules & Regulation, Safety

    The Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) has embarked on an exercise in the Baltic Sea region to protect subsea infrastructure.

  • 29 November 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Project & Tenders, Regulation & Policy, Rules & Regulation

    EU’s PCI list entails grid upgrades and the buildout of more hydrogen, green electricity, and carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS).

  • 23 October 2023
    Business Developments & Projects, Outlook & Strategy

    Energy company Eesti Gaas, also known as Elenger, has announced it will bring an additional LNG cargo from the United States (U.S.) to the Inkoo terminal, Finland, in the second half of November 2023 to cover the country’s gas consumption. Margus Kaasik, Chairman of the Management Board of Eesti Gaas, stated: “The market can handle […]

  • 16 October 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Environment, Infrastructure, Project & Tenders, Safety

    Seismic signals have been recorded in the vicinity of the Balticconnector gas pipeline between Finland and Estonia, indicating a possible explosion had occurred around the time an unusual drop in pressure was observed. To remind, Balticconnector was shut down at midnight on October 8 after Finnish and Estonian transmission system operators (TSOs) Gasgrid and Elering observed an abnormal […]

  • 26 May 2023
    Authorities & Government, Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Carbon Capture Usage & Storage, Collaboration, Environment, Exploration & Production, Market Outlooks, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Regulation & Policy, Rules & Regulation, Transition, Vessels

    The global energy players are burning the midnight oil in pursuit of low-carbon solutions to curb emissions and enrich the energy mix.

  • 26 August 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Operations & Maintenance, Vessels

    U.S.-based LNG company Excelerate Energy’s floating storage and regasification unit FSRU Exemplar has departed Argentina and is on its way to serve

  • 1 September 2022
    Business Developments & Projects, Infrastructure, Ports & Logistics, Project & Tenders

    The first phase of the construction of the Paldiski LNG terminal in Estonian the port city of Paldiski has been completed, local media reports.

  • 30 May 2023
    Business & Finance, Business Developments & Projects, Collaboration, Exploration & Production, Outlook & Strategy, Project & Tenders, Research & Development

    Plug Power Inc., a provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy, has revealed plans to develop three green hydrogen production plants in Finland, resulting in the production of 850 tonnes per day (TPD) of green hydrogen, or 2.2 gigawatts (GW) of electrolyser capacity, by the end of the decade with final […]

  • 7 October 2009

    Finland, which earlier raised environmental concerns over the construction of the Nord Stream gas pipeline across the Baltic Sea, is set to give its approval to the project, a Belgian radio station reported on Wednesday. The Brussels-based radio station Contact said that Finland’s Minister of European and Migration Affairs Astrid Thors expected his country to […]

  • 15 December 2016
    Business & Finance

    French vessel owner and offshore services provider, Bourbon, has appointed Astrid de Bréon as chief financial officer of the group. She will assume her function on February 1, 2017 and will resign from her seat on the board of directors at that time. “Thanks to the benefits of the digital revolution, the business model of Bourbon is […]