Ørsted Schedules Hornsea Four Formal Consultations
Ørsted is holding formal consultations related to the Hornsea Project Four offshore wind farm in September in the UK.
At the events, the project’s location, as well as a non-technical summary of the preliminary environmental information report will be presented.
The meetings will be held from 2 to 7 September according to the schedule below:
Interested parties are invited to submit feedback on the project between 13 August and 23 September, during the formal phase of community consultation.
Ørsted is proposing to develop Hornsea Project Four approximately 65km off Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire Coast in the UK. The wind farm would be located at an area of up to 600km2 and consisting of up to 180 turbines.
The project is currently in the pre-application process for a development consent order (DCO).
The article has been updated on 14 August with additional details.