Oregon Inlet Dredging Available for Public Review
Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore) has announced the availability of a draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the dredging of Oregon Inlet with a Dare County dredge.

Dare County is seeking a Special Use Permit from the Seashore to utilize a privately-owned hopper dredge in the same manner and under the same conditions as what is currently authorized for the Army Corps to perform maintenance dredging of small and isolated, regularly occurring shoals within Oregon Inlet.
Oregon Inlet, including the submerged lands, is situated within Seashore boundaries.
The USACE regulatory control over this project includes the dredging and discharge of dredged material within the confines of the Oregon Inlet corridor and the disposal areas, as a federally authorized navigation channel.
The deadline to submit comments is May 25, 2020.