Oranjewerf – 25 Years Within Damen Shipyards Group

Business & Finance

Oranjewerf Ship Repair has turned 65 in November 2014 and simultaneously celebrated its silver jubilee within Damen Shipyards Group.

The repair and conversion shipyard in the Port of Amsterdam gradually continues to extend its already versatile proposition to shipowners.

With it, Oranjewerf’s scope of ship types and maritime segments served is extending too. As part of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, the shipyard carries out repair, conversion and maintenance jobs for vessels and craft from many corners of the maritime industry, featuring offshore and towage, shortsea, ferry shipping, fisheries and inland shipping.

A variety of vessels and craft can be spotted in Oranjewerf’s floating dock, alongside its berths or on the slipway. They range from offshore support vessels, ocean and harbour tugs, shortsea vessels and fishing boats to dredging vessels, barges and river cruise ships to service ships and craft.

They visit the shipyard in the Dutch capital for any job: mechanical, steel, cleaning and painting, electrical, piping and otherwise. Only recently, the eye-catching clipper ‘Stad Amsterdam’ paid a visit.

Full service USP

Oranjewerf considers the mixture of versatility and the ability to carry out most work in house as its USP. The large machining shop is instrumental to this. Established in 1949, Oranjewerf benefits from the wealth of experience and resources from Damen Shipyards Group, which it joined in 1989.

Always looking ahead, the repair yard is now considering the acquisition of a second floating dock, adding to its 135 x 23 m, 6,000 tonne drydock.

The planned capacity extension is fuelled by the growing number of vessels whose keel shape requires cradle docking, including the OSV’s, tugs and dredgers already docking at Oranjewerf in Amsterdam.

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Press Release