Illustration/Part of OPT’s products range (Courtesy of OPT)

OPT, Sulmara Subsea chart joint WAM-V development opportunities

Business & Finance

US-based company Ocean Power Technologies (OPT) and subsea survey specialist Sulmara Subsea have partnered up to develop advanced uses for OPT’s WAM-V autonomous surface vehicles.

Illustration/Part of OPT’s products range (Courtesy of OPT)
Illustration/Part of OPT’s products range (Courtesy of OPT)
Illustration/Part of OPT’s products range (Courtesy of OPT)

The companies have executed a long-term master service agreement to facilitate Sulmara’s leasing of WAM-Vs, which are designed and produced by OPT’s subsidiary Marine Advanced Robotics.

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In addition to leases for WAM-V systems, the agreement also formalizes joint development opportunities, using each company’s expertise to advance technological and operational developments and other collaboration projects.

Philipp Stratmann, OPT’s president and CEO, said: “Sulmara is an incredible partner for OPT with its experience and expertise in operating remote vehicles in the offshore energy survey segment. Together, we can expand the many applications of our WAM-Vs and create innovative solutions that will open up new use cases for a growing customer base.”

Kevin McBarron, Sulmara Subsea’s CEO, added: “We assessed a number of shallow-water capable USV platforms in our continued drive for project efficiency via low carbon technology. Our USV team were very impressed with the robustness and versatility of the WAM-V system. It’s great news to finally formalize our collaborative relationship with OPT – exciting times ahead for us both.”

OPT and Marine Advanced Robotics offer three models of WAM-V platforms, with numerous applications across various industry sectors – the ultra-portable WAM-V 8, the WAM-V 16, and the powerful WAM-V 22.

The WAM-V, short for Wave Adaptive Modular Vessel, has a flexible structure that adapts and conforms to the water’s surface, providing smooth and level platform. In addition, inflatable pontoons help absorb motion and force, while hinged engine pods keep propellers in the water and further improve vehicle stability and controllability, according to OPT.

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