OPT rebrands its PowerBuoy® systems

Business & Finance

Ocean Power Technologies, Inc. (OPT) is rebranding its PowerBuoy systems. 

Mike M. Mekhiche, OPT’s Vice President of Engineering, said: “This naming convention is consistent with industry best practices as observed within other power and renewable energy industries, commercial energy generating systems, and commercial energy storage products. The system designation change incorporates market feedback, input from the Technology Advisory Panel and potential customers.”

The new naming convention for the APB350 will be “PB3”, marking a PowerBuoy with a peak power rating of 3kW.

According to the company, the naming convention is based upon ideal yet realistic ocean conditions resulting in a net AC peak power delivered to a payload over a 20-minute period after converting the incoming wave energy into useful AC electricity.

The new naming convention will be introduced at the 28th Annual Roth Capital Partners Conference on Wednesday, 16 March.