Open tender for Ocean Energy Consultancy Services

Authorities & Government

This Invitation to Tender is made for a consultancy project that will provide the service of a Secretariat for the Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) Ocean Energy, which covers both wave and tidal energy.

ORJIP Ocean Energy is a UK-wide programme, jointly funded by the Crown Estate, Marine Scotland and Welsh Government.

The programme has been established to resolve priority Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) issues for regulators and wave and tidal developers through focused research and monitoring.

The role of the Secretariat will be to coordinate the programme and to ensure effective communication of research/monitoring priorities and projects between all parties.

The Crown Estate, on behalf of the funding partners, is running the tender process.

The tender is open until February 20, 2015.

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Image: EMEC