Online service goes live for tidal and wave collaborations

Authorities & Government

Wave Energy Scotland (WES) and National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI) have launched an online service to help subsea supply companies work together in bidding for contracts in wave and tidal energy.

It is a new section of NSRI’s online Matchmaker database, specifically designed to help companies find other organizations with the expertise they are looking for, and also to highlight their own credentials.

The move is in recognition of the fact that a complex landscaping research project, currently being commissioned by WES is likely to require more than one supplier as it covers two areas; wave energy and alternative generation technologies.

Tim Hurst, Managing Director, Wave Energy Scotland said: “This is a very useful partnership that will create dividends for WES. It will facilitate collaborations and improve the number of applications for our current landscaping work. In the long run, it should also help subsea companies to join the wave sector and possibly even the main WES program.”

Gordon Drummond, Project Director of NSRI added: “The wave and tidal sectors are less mature in their contribution to energy production, as a result they are currently more expensive than traditional generating resources. This resource presents a huge opportunity for subsea supply chain companies to adapt their technologies and techniques to support the development of large-scale wave and tidal power farms.”

Matchmaker is a free service that aims to facilitate collaboration between organizations already active in the wave and tidal energy. It also provides the opportunity for firms in other sectors to highlight capabilities relevant to marine energy. The approach helps solve industrial challenges and progress research and development activity, according to WES.

The service is currently split into five themes: operations and maintenance; subsea structures; installation; systems; health and safety; and environmental impact.