OMM Completes Data Study for Dogger Bank Wind Farm Development (UK)

OMM Completes Data Study for Dogger Bank Wind Farm Development (UK)

Offshore Marine Management (OMM) has announced the completion of a GIS-based data study for the first stage of Forewind’s planned Round 3 Dogger Bank offshore wind farm development.

Undertaken by OMM’s Survey and Subsea department, the work utilised the company’s in-house Esri GIS facilities to undertake an initial study of Forewind’s existing data as well as developing a GIS-based cost model tool to identify the optimal inter-array cable routes.

Forewind will now use the tool to assess inter-array cable routes for the initial projects within its Tranche A site and it may be re-used on future tranches within the Dogger Bank zone.

Oliver Taylor, Survey Manager at OMM, commented:

The team used Esri ArcGIS analysis functions to write a software tool for the cost model. This tool is capable of analysing raster datasets from multiple data sources, such as seabed sediment classifications and soil shear strengths. Ultimately, this will help Forewind to plan a cable route which offers the least cost to the installer.

Arron Burrows, Director of Survey and Subsea at OMM, added:

The successful completion of this project further demonstrates OMM’s established and growing portfolio of GIS services and our expertise in applying this to the renewables sector”.

Offshore Wind Staff, February 9, 2012; Image : forewind