O&M Building for Anholt Offshore Wind Farm on its Way (Denmark)


The personnel are working flat out to complete the O&M buildings at Grenaa Harbour. The assembly of the elements for the future welfare and administration building is almost complete, and the shape of the building now looks like the outline on the site sign.

The next step is the light external wall on the first floor and the external cladding.

A new roof with skylights has been put on the large storage building, and all the insides have been removed. During the further process, this building will be used as dry storage for construction materials.

The tower is also taking shape. The first side has been faced. The next step is the internal cladding so that the mast, which ensures communication with the offshore wind farm, can be installed in late October.

About Anholt Offshore Wind Farm

The installed capacity of the offshore wind farm is to be 400MW corresponding to the power consumption of approx 400,000 households. The offshore wind farm is to produce its first power by the end of 2012.

DONG Energy​ had acquired the licence for utilising the wind power for 25 years and is to construct and operate the offshore wind farm. The Danish transmission system operator, Energinet.dk, is responsible for establishing an offshore substation, the export cable to shore and the connection to the main high-voltage power grid on land.


Source: dongenergy, October 05, 2011