Erik-Jan de Ridder MARIN

Offshore Wind Conference: New technologies and talents in Offshore Wind

Research & Development

This session from 2018 looked at the latest technology development in offshore wind and offered a platform for the ideas of the next generation of offshore wind professionals. Watch the contributions from: Erik-Jan de Ridder (Senior Project Manager MARIN), Lionel Jossé (Sales & Business development manager Atlantique Offshore Energy /Chantiers de l’Atlantique), Joost Pellis (Strategic Manager Renewables Atlas Professionals) and Kevin van de Leur (Lead Engineer Van Oord).

The technologies developed for and deployed by the offshore wind industry are continuously improving. In 2017 the world’s first floating off shore wind farm started generating power and more will follow. In order to keep expanding and maturing, the industry requires a new workforce.

The 9th annual Offshore Wind Conference held in 2018, brought together the entire offshore wind value chain to discuss developments and innovations. In addition to key project updates, topics included future-proof business models for subsidy-free offshore wind, redesigning electricity markets for abundant offshore wind and solutions for storage

Erik-Jan de Ridder, Senior Project Manager MARIN: Floating off shore wind structures

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Lionel Jossé, Sales & Business development manager Atlantique Offshore Energy /Chantiers de l’Atlantique: Substructures for floating wind turbines and substations

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Joost Pellis, Strategic Manager Renewables Atlas Professionals: The wind of change from a human capital perspective

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Kevin van de Leur, Lead Engineer Van Oord: YP pitch

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