Offshore Energy 2015 sets up special event on marine energy

Business & Finance


This special event, co-hosted with the Dutch Energy from Water Association EWA, offers delegates an insight in the latest developments in marine energy in the field of tidal and wave energy, salinity power and OTEC.

Besides offering updates about the Texel tidal demonstration project and the salinity gradient power station on the Afsluitdijk, the focus of the event will be put on the development of a shared vision for the marine energy sector.

The event will feature speakers from leading ocean renewable industry players, including Allard van Hoeken, Head of New Energy at Bluewater Energy Services, Pieter De Haas, Technical Director at Tocardo International, and Thomas Imbard, Marketing Manager Marine Energies at DCNS France, amongst others, with Peter Scheijgrond, Director at MET-Support, as the event chair.

The event also includes a panel discussion on the future of the marine energy sector with professor Kornelis Blok from TU Delft, Wim Kloezen from Antea Group, Allard van Hoeken from Bluewater and Hans van Breugel from Tocardo.

Marine energy event is taking place during Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2015 on October 14, 2015, at Amsterdam RAI.

You can discover the full program and register for the event here.

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