OERA seeks tidal research proposals

Business & Finance
Illustration (Photo: MRC)
Illustration (Photo: MRC)

Canada-based Offshore Energy Research Association (OERA) has opened a funding call for research proposals in the fields of marine renewables, marine geoscience and marine sound.

The proposals should support and/or advance an OERA research priority area which address current knowledge gaps in the industry and are integral to advancing the development and commercialization of energy resources in Nova Scotia and Canada, according to OERA.

For applications submitted to this call related to tidal energy projects, preference will be given to industry led project ideas that align with the OERA’s research priority areas.

OERA identified the following research priorities related to tidal energy: improving the understanding of the impact of tidal devices on the environment, improvements in site characterization methodologies, development of low cost monitoring technologies, and deployment, retrieval and operations advances.

Proposal budget must be a maximum of C$20,000 ($14,000) per project, with the demand that the minimum of 50% of the proposed budget must be spent in Nova Scotia. Also, the proposed work must be completed within one year.

The closing date for application submission is set for July 15, 2016.

OERA informed it would notify all applicants of the outcome of their proposal within 90 days of the closing date.

OERA is an independent, non-profit organization that funds and facilitates collaborative offshore energy and environmental research and development including examination of renewable energy resources and their interaction with the marine environment, with the aim to enable the sustainable development of Nova Scotia energy resources.