OCEANERA-NET COFUND Joint Call Approaches Target Date

Research & Development

The Expressions of Interest for the Ocean Energy ERA-NET Cofund (OCEANERA-NET COFUND) second Joint Call for collaborative research and development projects in the field of ocean energy is nearing its deadline.

Photo: Pixabay

The deadline for the Expressions of Interest is tomorrow – Friday, March 01, 2019.

The OCEANERA-NET COFUND Joint Call, that opened on the January 08, 2019, has two stages, the Expressions of Interest and the full Proposal, with a deadline of April 05, 2019.

The first stage of the Joint Call application process, the Expressions of Interest, will be used by the national funding organizations to check eligibility of projects and their alignment with national/regional priorities.

The National Funding Organisation (SEAI) will provide feedback to applicants on their eligibility within two weeks of receipt, OCEANERA-NET COFUND stated on their website.

OCEANERA-NET COFUND is a five-year action supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation. This project, operating from 2017 to 2021, will build on the work of the Ocean Energy European Research Area Network (OCEANERA-NET) which started in 2013 and ended in February 2018.