MMT crew

Ocean Infinity adds survey specialist MMT

Business & Finance

Houston-based marine robotics company Ocean Infinity has acquired Swedish marine survey specialist MMT.

Courtesy: MMT
Armada; Courtesy: Ocean Infinity

Ocean Infinity believes that the combined force will maximise the potential of its fleet of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and the soon to be launched Armada fleet of uncrewed, low-emission, robotic ships.

Following the acquisition, MMT will continue to operate under the MMT brand.

The enlarged group will have a headcount of over 300 people and will operate from an expanded geographical footprint with offices in the US, Sweden, UK, Singapore and Norway.

“This is a highly positive development for all MMT stakeholders. Our clients will continue to receive our trademark, personalised levels of support, but will now also be able to access an expanded range of services. For our team it opens many exciting opportunities and the chance to be on the cusp of the wave at a time of real change in our industry,” says Per-Olof Sverlinger, CEO of MMT.

Ola Oskarsson, founder of MMT, further said: “As part of Ocean Infinity we can create new opportunities for our clients and our team and enjoy continued growth. Ocean Infinity has the ambition to be at the absolute forefront of technology when it comes to future analysis of the sea and seabed, which is a perfect combination for our skillset. I am proud of our past and extremely excited about our future.”

Oliver Plunkett, Ocean Infinity’s CEO, added: “To achieve our ambition of transforming operations at sea through innovation and technology we need the very best people who share our passion for creating safer and more sustainable ways of working.

“With the team from MMT alongside us I have no doubt we will exceed all expectations and create the leading ocean and seabed data analytics business in the world.”

Reach Subsea – MMT

In addition, following the above announcement, MMT’s Norwegian partner Reach Subsea notified the market that cooperation between Reach and MMT will continue unchanged.

Reach and MMT have a pool cooperation sharing the risk and profit on certain vessels, as well as a 50/50 ownership in Surveyor AS which owns our two high speed survey ROVs.