Ocean energy bolsters coastal economy, report says

Authorities & Government

The FORESEA project has released a report which highlights the mutually-beneficial relationship between ocean energy and coastal communities, and the sector’s potential for regional development.

Illustration/CorPower C3 wave device deployment in Scotland (Photo: Colin Keldie)

The publication ‘Ocean Energy and the Regions: a partnership for growth’ outlines the mutual benefits of ocean energy and coastal communities on the example of economic clusters and supply chain companies which are forming around the European test centers.

It includes regional profiles, illustrating how this technology creates new economic momentum and can supply jobs in local markets thriving with underused expertise and skills.

The report also showcases technologies manufactured close to the ocean, reducing costs and making extensive use of local skills and infrastructure.

Rémi Gruet, Ocean Energy Europe CEO, said: “By funding ocean energy demonstration, the FORESEA project contributes to and showcases ocean energy’s major impact on European regions, nations and states in terms of economic growth, investments and jobs.”

FORESEA, an €11 million project, helps bring offshore renewable energy technologies to market by offering free access to a world-leading network of test centers, including EMEC in the UK, DMEC in the Netherlands, SEM-REV in France, and SmartBay in Ireland.

The publication was released on October 30, 2018, at the Ocean Energy Europe 2018 event, currently taking place in Edinburgh.