Ocean DEMO sets up virtual workshop

Business Developments & Projects
Ocean DEOM 3rd Call
Ocean DEMO

The Ocean DEMO project recently opened its third call for application and will hold a virtual user workshop on 30 June.

Ocean DEMO

The workshop will present the application system as well as the available support packages.

It will also highlight common themes and challenges that technology developers address during their testing period.

Successful applicants will receive free access to test their ocean energy products and services in real sea environments at the project’s network of test centres.

This call will focus on supporting technology developers with high readiness level for deployment in late 2020 or early 2021.

Technology developers can apply for support packages to test multi-device farms as well as single devices able to scale up to multi-device in the future.

In April this year, ten technology developers were recommended for support packages under the 2nd call by the Ocean DEMO Selection Board.

The project has also awarded recommendations for support to twelve offshore renewable energy projects under its 1st call which closed in July 2019.

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The third Ocean DEMO call for applications is open until 18 September 2020.

Funded by Interreg North-West Europe, Ocean DEMO is a €13-million project aiming to accelerate ocean energy’s transition from single prototype to multi-device farms by providing free access to test centres: EMEC (UK), DMEC (NL), SEM REV (FR) and SmartBay (IE).