Ocean City Dredging Program Continues
The City of Ocean City, New Jersey, has restarted its bayside dredging program with two contracts awarded to Charter Contracting of Boston, MA.

According to the officials, Ocean City will be completing two mechanical dredging programs in the fall/winter of 2019‐2020.
In addition, USACE is planning to dredge the shallow areas of Intracoastal Waterway behind Ocean City this winter.
The City also announced that equipment has been mobilized to the area and dredging is anticipated to begin around the end of October.
The two projects include:
- Back Bay North: North Point Lagoon, Second Street Marina and Bayside Center;
- Back Bay Central: Snug Harbor (including a “sediment trap” to help reduce refilling of materials), Glen Cove, Seventh Street end, and parts of Sunny Harbor, South Harbor (including Midway Harbor) and Bluefish Lagoon.
As reported, the two contracts combined are worth over $2.3 million.
Mayor Jay Gillian received word from the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) that the season for dredging activity in the bay was extended from February 28 to March 31.
The extension of in-water dredging activity will give residents an additional four weeks for slip dredging and alleviates concerns about insufficient time to complete work prior to the cutoff date.