Nusantara FSRU receives Mahakam block-sourced LNG cargo

Ports & Logistics

State-owned Pertamina informed that the first LNG cargo produced with the gas sourced at the field has been delivered to the Nusantara Regas’ Nusantara FSRU in the Jakarta Bay. 

The company, that has taken over the operatorship at the Mahakam block at the start of the year from France’s Total and Japan’s Inpex, said that the volumes totaling 2 million mmBtu have been delivered on board the LNG carrier Aquarius, Pertamina said.

The gas sourced at the Mahakam block will be used to cover the domestic demand especially for the PLN power plant in Jakarta and its surrounding areas.

In addition, Pertamina’s unit, Pertamina Hulu Mahakam expects the cooperation with Nusantara Regas will deliver sufficient volumes of natural gas for the domestic and industrial use.

According to Pertamina’s statement, in 2018, Nusantara Regas will handle 23.7 cargoes of LNG (equivalent to 52 million mmBtu) of which 17.7 will be produced with gas sourced at the Mahakam block. The remaining volumes will be supplied from Tangguh and Bontang gas fields.

Mahakam block is Indonesia’s largest producing gas field covers about 13 percent of the national gas production.

Additionally, Pertamina said that Nusantara Regas is working on LNG reloading capabilities of the FSRU as well as an LNG barge that would enable small-scale LNG deliveries to PLN as well as industrial users and transport. So far, the demand for small-scale LNG has not been met due to the infrastructure limitation.


LNG World News Staff